masterbatch processing masterbatch processing masterbatch processing masterbatch processing
White Masterbatch Compounding

Meets demanding temperature and high fill level requirements.

Widely used in product packaging, white masterbatch is a highly filled compound of titanium dioxide (TiO2), polymers and additives. The titanium dioxide creates the desired product opacity, while the choice of resins, TiO2 grade, fillers and extenders determines the quality and compounding costs. Product applications and performance are also a significant factor in formulation and costs, for example, meeting the strict food packaging standards for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The FCM™, Farrel Continuous Mixer offers superior compounding for abrasive white masterbatch while providing excellent dispersion and thermal stability. From highly demanding applications, such as extrusion coating, to those that are more economical, Farrel Continuous Mixers provide the low processing temperatures and high fill levels required for profitable white masterbatch compounding.

Material characteristics and challenges

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is naturally occurring and is generally sourced from ilmenite, rutile and anatase. Compounding TiO2 with a polymer carrier and other additives creates the white masterbatch. Common polymer-carriers for the application include:

Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) MFR 1‑3

High-density polyethylene (HDPE)/polypropylene (PP)

Low density polyethylene (LDPE)/LLDPE MRF 20-50

PP MFR 10‑20

Farrel Continuous Mixers are designed to address the many challenges of white masterbatch processing including:

  • A unique rotor geometry, specifically designed for masterbatch production, ensures optimum dispersion of the titanium dioxide
  • Large rotor tip to wall clearances, repairable rotors and screw, and a variety of optional rotor coatings minimizes abrasion and corrosion wear for longer life of key components
  • An adjustable orifice and rotor speed during production as well as multiple temperature control zones and rotor cooling maintain ideal processing temperature
  • A large free volume mixing chamber for material circulation enables superior distribution
  • A variety of production sizes to meet large throughput requirements for economies of scale and profitability

Using white masterbatch for a variety of products

white masterbatch processing

Common applications for white masterbatch include:

  • Milk bottles and packages
  • Pharmaceutical packaging
  • Bags
  • Housewares
  • Food packaging
  • Flexible packaging

FARREL POMINI Nominal Production Rates for White Masterbatch Compounding

Application CP250 CP550 CP1000 CP2000 CP2500 CP4000 9UM
White Masterbatch kg/h
T p.a.
250 - 300
1,000 - 1,200
500 - 700
2,000 - 2,800
1,000 - 1,200
4,000 - 4,800
2,200 - 2,500
8,000 - 10,000
2,500 - 2,700
10,000 - 10,800
4,000 - 4,700
16,000 - 18,800
7,000 - 7,500
28,000 - 30,000

*Based on 4000 hrs per year.

Typical plant line for white masterbatch compounds

white masterbatch processing line drawing

Would you like to learn more about our process expertise with White Masterbatch applications?

Contact us or call +1 203 736 5500 to speak with a Sales Engineer or schedule time for a Customer Demonstration Facility.

FARREL POMINI, your solutions provider.


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Farrel Corporation
One Farrel Boulevard
Ansonia, Connecticut 06401-1256

Phone: +1 203 736 5500

Fax: +1 203 736 5580

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