Recycling Solutions, Mechanical and Chemical

The versatile, energy efficient FCM, Farrel Continuous Mixer has been optimized to process recycled materials from both post-consumer and municipal solid waste.

Mechanical Recycling

The FARREL POMINI mechanical recycling system is a complete solution integrating several enhancements to the continuous mixing technology platform. It addresses numerous processing challenges for diverse recycled feedstocks including irregularly sized, shaped, and low bulk density materials, excessive moisture, volatiles and contaminants.

Material Feeding

A specialized feeder is utilized for its unique ability to consistently and reliably feed a variety of pre-shredded materials. Two customized crammer options further aid the feeding process for mechanical recycling:

  • An Auger Crammer is designed for material with a bulk density of less than 5 lbs. per cubic foot.
  • A Piston Crammer is available for irregularly sized and shaped feedstock.
recycled materials
Grooved Mixer Feed Section

A patent-pending Grooved Mixer Feed Section improves feeding efficiency by increasing the drag flow interaction with the rotor feed flights.

Rotor Feed Flight Options

Specially designed rotor feed flight options optimize infeed of the material.

Propriety Hard Surface Coatings

For maximum wear resistance while processing highly corrosive materials, proprietary hard surface coatings are applied to all material contact surfaces including, rotors, mixing chamber, extruder feed screw, and extruder barrel.

Venting and Filtration
  • A FARREL POMINI designed Continuous Vent Stuffer allows air, moisture, and volatiles to escape while keeping solids within the mixer.
  • A Vacuum Vent Capture System collects and filters powders and volatiles that escape through the mixer vent.
  • A FARREL POMINI Slide Plate Screenchanger continuous filters contaminants from the melt.

For the final stage, the system connects to a variety of pelletizers, including underwater, dry face, strand, and strip die.

Chemical Recycling

Rubber Recycling Partnership
WF Recycle-Tech utilizes the FCM, Farrel Continuous Mixer as its primary stage of heating and melting tires in its patented pyrolysis system for recycling end-of-life tires.

Plastics Recycling Partnership
The FCM is an essential component of the Lummus Technology pyrolysis system to recycle PE and PP flexible film packaging material.

recycled materials

Would you like to learn more about our process expertise with Recycling applications?

Contact us or call +1 203 736 5500 to speak with a Sales Engineer or schedule time in a Customer Demonstration Facility.

FARREL POMINI, your solutions provider.


Contact Us

Farrel Corporation
One Farrel Boulevard
Ansonia, Connecticut 06401-1256

Phone: +1 203 736 5500

Fax: +1 203 736 5580

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